We specialize in the restoration and creation of low walls, offering a full range of services to meet your outdoor landscaping needs. Whether repairing or creating new projects, our dedicated team combines expertise and know-how to bring your ideas to life.
For your damaged outdoor spaces, our repair service begins with a detailed assessment of the structure’s current condition. We identify areas in need of attention and make precise repairs for a solid, long-term restoration. Whether you need low wall repairs, levelling or steps, our team is committed to restoring your low wall to its original appearance.
Before any work is carried out, our team of professionals assesses the factors essential for effective paver cleaning. We start with a precise excavation, determining the necessary depth by taking into account several elements, such as the thickness of the base material, the compacted sand, and the paver itself. We generally dig to a depth 15 cm (6″) wider than the paved area to ensure a solid, stable base. Safety of underground infrastructure is also a priority, so we always consult local utilities before starting.
After excavation, our team carefully levels the surface using specialized tools, taking care to create an adequate slope for effective drainage. Soil compaction is carried out with precision to ensure a uniform, stable surface, using professional equipment to achieve the best results.
We start by laying a quality membrane, such as Gator Fabric GF4.4, followed by a uniform layer of sand or stone, according to ASTM specifications. A meticulous process is used to ensure a uniform thickness of fill material, guaranteeing a solid, even base for the pavers to come. Sand is precisely levelled and compacted to ensure a smooth, even surface.
Once the base has been prepared, we install the pavers or blocks according to the pattern chosen by the customer. We ensure that each piece is correctly positioned and that the base protrudes adequately on either side of the paved area. Gator Edge kerbs are carefully installed to ensure a clean, long-lasting finish.
Once the base has been prepared, we install the pavers or blocks according to the pattern chosen by the customer. We ensure that each piece is correctly positioned and that the base protrudes adequately on either side of the paved area. Gator Edge kerbs are carefully installed to ensure a clean, long-lasting finish.
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